The briefing was - let's go to the seaside, so with a howling southerly wind and a very gusty airfield, there was the opportunity for advanced training on the south coast cliffs. Simon L did a recce in the Rotax Falke and found it difficult to get down to the cliff level due to the strong lift. The trailers were prepared and left ready to go at the gate.
Simon L and JimBob in JZK DG505, Simon M and Paul S in HCX K21, Ron and Daniel in 711 ASH25, Phil M in 611 ASW20 and finally Matt in M5 ASW20 . The crosswind takeoff and the long aerotows to the Branscombe cliffs were quite exciting. After a few beats along the cliffs, the strong ridge/wave lift carried them up to 2500ft and it was left to Matt who had spotted Gerard on the footpath to beat along at low level thinking about reaching Chesil Beach. All returned safely most landing across the field to the superb exclamations mainly - wow! We await the photos and video......
Meanwhile JB and Rowan in the K13 were seen to be stationary above the south ridge as the wind on the ground gusted to 40knots and launching was temporarily suspended.