Another astonishing Portmoak day - 40 hours flown from 10 launches. Started with clear skies and very cold on the ridge waiting for the wave to kick in which it did after about an hour. After initial climbs off the Lomond hill most pushed North with a few of the more ambitious going to Pitlochry or Killin and the surrounding area. Most settled for climbs to around 10-12,000' because of the cold, the water in Si Minsons Camelbak froze!
But the medals today go to Dave Jesty who has joined our gang from Dartmoor GC for the week, who climbed to 19,000' for his Diamond and on his first trip too - top effort!
The first snows of the season could be seen on the higher ground to the North.
First picture shows Simon climbing at 7.5kts at 13,000' and the second a classic wave slot, Perth centre right.