Front cleared overnight leaving us in a strong unstable northerly, cumulus clouds started popping fairly early, but not in the direction of the task area. Launching started at 1200 for NHL-TIV-DOR-SHA-NHL 209Kms. Matt(477), Joe(JD7), Pete(230), Roly (523), Daniel (611), Ron with P2 Wyn (711), John (M5), JB (KJW), Pete & Jill(OL) all completed the task (with Daniel claiming 100km part 1), with mostly good strong streeting thermals and plenty of sink, and sticky bits when some sea-air influence temporarily invaded Yeovil-Merryfield area.
Meanwhile Chairman Pete (DG1) completed part 1 of 100km diploma NHL-TIV-BEA-NHL, and Jimbob (Junior) struggled on a 50km attempt to The Park landing safely near Chard. It was strongly soarable in the blue til gone 1900.
Perhaps we should have gone to Ivybridge? -see National Ladder