News form Kenya

Keen to make the most of a business trip to Kenya, for a one person flying expedition, Jonathan Stoneman googled the one and only club there - the Rift Valley Gliding Club (membership - 7). About 100 miles NNE of Nairobi, near Lake Elementeita, the airfield sits 6100' amsl.
Being pre-solo, Jonathan was delighted to find an instructor from Lasham on a visit. He was taken to the airfield by private plane - a 35' flight over a couple of extinct volcanoes. The club has a nice collection of planes - a DG400, A Cirrus, a K13, and a couple more privately owned ones. There's no winch, but a tug flown by a Lufthansa pilot was taking people up on his day off - these were short launches, with someone pulling the bung more or less as soon as a reasonable thermal was encountered. Thermals were springing up all over the ground, and could be easily spotted by the little dust spouts they set off as they lifted off. And instead of buzzards guiding the pilots into the thermals, the bird to look out for turned out to be a vulture.
The other major difference from North Hill was the need to beware of zebras rather than sheep on landing. And imphala. They are wont to cross the runway without warning. Warthogs are a no-no: they don't move for anyone!
Jonathan relates, with some embarrassment, that after spending most of his 45 minute flight circling in thermals (about 44' more than he's used to) - and reaching 8700 QNH, he felt slightly sick, and decided to come down. Christian, the ex-Swissair pilot who's one of the RVGC's leading lights disappeared off for 90 mins in his Cirrus.
Still - it was a nice change from the wet Devon weather. An unforgettable day.