What a brilliant day, especially for October, even surpassing some of the good days during the 'summer'.
Very cold, bright and sunny early, then the cloud from the cold front quickly covered the sky. By mid morning the front was clearing to the south, and thermal started popping with cloudbase only just above launch height. Very swiftly cloudbase rose to eventually reach 2700' QFE by mid afternoon, thermals were averaging 4kts, one that I saw was a steady 6-8kts for a few turns. There was a beautiful street coming off Exmmoor right over the Club all afternoon until about 5.00pm, it was still soarable after that but not reachable from winch.
What a pity more were not out to enjoy it - one private owned Discus, one Club solo pilot flying a Junior and another in the K13 and eight pupils to share four instructors and the K21 and DG505. Two Trial Lessons also enjoyed the conditions.