Roly's caravan is now in place, with Steve moving further up the plot.
A good day out! - Jimbob
Following a kind invitation to attend, the DG505 was put on display at an Open Day at Dillington House, near Ilminster, today. We were allocated a fantastic space on the lawn in front of the house, large enough for us to display the DG505 in her full wingspan, and with room behind to park and display the trailer. Arriving at 1030, we promptly got down the the business of causing an obstruction on the drive (sorry!!!) and rigging in our spot. Thanks to John S, John S, Muggles, Cheryl and Graham for their help in being there to ensure this happened as smoothly and quickly as possible. Having set up in good time, including erecting the precautionary weatherproof gazebo, we set out in search of tea and cakes in preparation for the start of the event.
After a relatively slow start, interest soon picked up in our very impressive display - probably the best of all those attending the event - and as the picture demonstrates we soon had good crowds around us wanting to know more. There were many people who showed an interest in trial flights, and a few who also showed a strong interest in membership. Thanks to Simon for giving us a couple of hours of his time to help us out, and to Mandy for being official photographer for the team.
Whilst it's always a little difficult to judge immediately the effects of attending these events, I think we all feel that it was a very successful day, and it will hopefully bring us a few trial flights and maybe even a member or two. - Muggles