Just to say a BIG thank you to everyone who helped me celebrate my birthday at the weekend!
The barbecue went really well and I hope everyone who attended had a great evening - I certainly did! After all the worrying about the weather - it was the hottest weekend of the year so far!
Thanks to Simon (Minson) the barbecue king, who slaved over the hot coals cooking a ton of meat to perfection. And to Steve, who provided entertainment later in the evening on the guitar (easily forgiven for not always remembering all the words!! & thank you for the Eagles song, one of my favourites).
Thanks also to Andrew Muggleston for taking me up for my aerobatic flight on Sunday (sorry I swore a bit... - well, probably quite a lot actually - but it was awesome), and to Pete Warren for my very first aerotow.
Thank you for my cards and presents and good wishes.
If you weren't there - why not???.......
See you all soon
Cheryl xx
A post by cheryl on the old DSGC forum