Wed 15th August

Low cloud put paid to an early start, flying didn't start until late morning and then without any thermal activity, after lunch the whole situation had changed with the cloudbase rising to over 2,000ft and good abundant thermals that lasted all afternoon everyone had a soaring flight and two of the booked trial lessons were flown with Pete Warren in the tug.
Robert Lee enthusing the next generation of glider pilots (John Street)
The group from Kestrel Gliding Club at Odiham enjoyed  a taste of North Hill soaring.  
Porsche Owners Club  South west region (Alan Stoneham)
 In the late afternoon, a large group from the Southwest region of the Porsche Owners Club started to arrive for their evening of  flying. Only half of them managed to get airborne as the low cloud unfortunately  arrived early, but the Porsche Owners enjoyed  the social gathering and barbeque and will return on another day. - John Street.