Wednesday 26th August

After the run of difficult weather the forecast for Wednesday was not too bad, but low cloud stopped  us making an early start, but as soon as the cloud lifted a bit we started with some useful launch failures.
Rick had his yellow card checks completed, Pete B completed his BI acceptance checks with CFI Martin and there was some very useful flying in the difficult conditions.
By lunchtime the weather had improved and it became thermic, Roly started the soaring in the DG505, Eric G29, Nigel FAJ, Pete St 230 and Joe 877 all  had some reasonable flights.
Four two-seater gliders were in use today, and they were needed to get through the long list - everyone flew, and we handed over to the evening flyers at 6:00pm. - JSt

Rainbow at Honiton (Lisa)
Super evening, flying Air Cadets again, nice rainbow over Honiton, lively approaches in the southerly wind, all great fun! - Lisa