Tue 7th January - Ad Hoc Day?

 It was a rather hopeful callout for members to fly today and although the weather was actually really nice the field was unbelievably wet! Just a handful of members braved the bitter temperatures but they were all kept busy.
The first job was to de rig HCX so that Ian could start the annual inspection. It was decided to push the glider downhill to the workshop so we would not have to drive a vehicle on the field, that turned out to be a good decision as we left a deep furrow in the grass with the K21 main wheel. Chris Woodward, Steve Westlake, Ashley Thomas, Karen King, Paul Medlock, Cheryl & Graham and myself made light work of the derig once we had found the necessary tools!

Ashley, Paul and Karen tidied up the lecture room that had become a dumping ground for all sorts of rubbish, Ashley’s next plan is to center the wipe board and sort the untidy wiring out, Cheryl said a sad farewell to her beloved Xmas decorations, with a tear in her eye she helped put them back into the loft.
Cheryl then set about a bit of gardening in the warm (yes warm) sunshine sheltered from the bitter wind, signs of spring could be seen poking their little heads up in the flower bed. 

In the vehicle workshop Steve and I started building the new external log store using (quite large) wooden planks left over from the trailer shelter build, once the base is sorted it will be assembled at the rear of the VG Falke hangar.


Glowing bright (Mark Courtney)

The log burner glowed bright and quite a few members sat around at lunch time setting the world to rights, warm and contented after  eating Vicky’s wonderful food. Most people wandered off about 3pm, no flying but a very satisfying day with friends. - Mark Courtney

Sat 4th January

There were only two potential pilots in the clubhouse at 9.00am, so Duty Instructor James Flory put out a call for help. Rob and I had been holed up in the warmth of our caravan, so happily went down to chip in. Stuart Procter got the tug ready, while HCX was DI’d and walked to the west end. 

Not quite the blue skies of the last couple of days (Rob Hender)

 Andy Broderick took the first launch with James, while I gratefully sat in the warmth of the cable retrieve vehicle logging!

Small happy team (Rob Hender)


Karen took the next flight, with Andrew jumping back in for a second after that. Stuart then had to dash off, so Paul Medlock took Rob Hender for a flight, with James Flory jumping into the tug. 

Bitterly cold without any sun (Rob Hender)

 With everyone happy, we all retreated back to the clubhouse to wash the aircraft and pack away, in time for lunch in the cafĂ© from Vicki, and an opportunity to warm up by the log burner. Which Tom had been busy building a log shelf for…

Log store (Sally Hender)

A small but select and efficient team, great work. - Sally Hender

Fri 3rd January - Ad-Hoc Day

Plenty of members wanting to fly, but nobody wants to write...... so just a few pics
A short grid of gliders (Angie Pitts)

Aerotow (Angie Pitts)

Thurs 2nd January

Happy New Year to all our members and readers. 

A cold airfield was the welcome this morning, with a brisk north easterly wind. The gliders were brought out early, with the briefing by Duty Instructor Mike Sloggett at 9:30am. After a pitch inspection, the decision was made for it to be aerotow only, to protect the airfield. 

Clear and crisp start to 2025 (Mike Sloggett)

The first launch was at 10:32am, followed by a constant stream of eager pilots for the new year of flying, and without the draw of the North Hill Cafe, we continued straight through lunch. 

Going - Soft in places (Sally Hender)

James Flory arrived early afternoon and helped Robert Lee with tugging and Mike with instructing/currency flights, the two-seater list was finally finished at about 4pm, after 23 successful glider flights, thank you to Robert Lee for an epic stint on tugging. 

Not quite such a perfect end to the day! (Sally Hender)

As everything was started to be packed away the Launch Control unfortunately got stuck on the south side of the airfield! Which then involved the tractor having to pull the whole combination out of the mud, everyone then gratefully returned to the clubhouse and the log burner.
A great start to 2025, thanks to everyone who helped.  - Sally Hender