As might have been expected with the terrible forecast for Sunday, the airfield was very well populated early on Saturday. Duty Instructors Stuart Procter and Steve Westlake had their work cut out with a lengthy list of training requests, with help from other instructors. The single seater list flowed off the bottom of the page - such was the demand. It was decided that, despite Thursday’s heavy rain, the spine of the field was sufficiently firm to take winching, which was just as well - given the length of the flying list.
Cloudier afternoon (Mike Rigby)
The morning’s sunny but cold conditions gave way to more cloud in the afternoon but the winds were light and southwesterly so nowhere near as biting as the easterlies we sometimes get at this time of year.
Pete Startup, already a contender for DLM of the year, ensured that the launch rate was brisk throughout the day and the tug was kept very busy with a variety of pilots, including Simon Leeson, Stuart Procter and James Flory.
Sun still peeping through (Stuart Procter)
Progress was made by some of our younger members, including Benjie, whose flying is coming along nicely and Harry Rigby who was given the nod to fly solo again while (still!) home from university for Christmas. And well done to Alan Turner for converting to the Perkoz.
Several members took advantage of the Treasurer's winter incentive for a free breakfast/lunch for taking 3 flights in the day. Well done to Pete Harmer with James Flory for the longest flight from a 2000ft aerotow.
The setting sun (Mike Willmott)
We had some guest appearances from a variety of wildlife, including a very obstinate worm-hunting buzzard who refused to give ground to launching gliders and a small deer that legged it across the field in the afternoon.
Vicki worked hard to feed everyone and, as we hosed down and packed away at around 16:30 (we can already see the days lengthening significantly), we’d achieved an amazing 64 launches, with the field having stood up admirably to a fair intensity of use. Great teamwork everyone. - Mike Rigby
In the evening, the stage was set for the January social event - Burns night - Cheryl did a great job dressing the tables and 21 members enjoyed a Black tie (or other) enjoyable 3-course feast of Cullen Skink, Haggis Neeps and Tatties and Cranachan accompanied by various liquids.
A great evening (Mark Courtney)
The evening included Steve Westlake giving a superb rendition of The Address to the Haggis, a themed poetry competition won by Mike Willmott, one of Sally's quizzes, and Rob's Burns night playlist - A donation of £115 was also made to the DSGC Charitable Trust. Thanks to Vicki and Sally for organising a great night.
"The BDI of the CFI - Mike Willmott
The beady eye of the CFI is forever watching
For those launches and landings that you might be botching
We all make mistakes, it’s in our make up
Just make sure it’s not after slack take up!
And remember when stepping over the coaming
to do your checks right and see who’s watching and roaming
But… a word in the ear
From an instructor sincere
Should be a welcome invite
To keep us safe and flying long
And ensure our landings are right
To control the logging computer you’ll need
a well trained tutor
To help when there’s been a mistake
And it says this pilot canna fly wi’out
A medical certificate.
And as for reading the flying list
You’d think the pilots were already….. can’t read that word!
Then a yellow trial flight form appears needing to be administered
It’s surprising that tempers don’t get more blistered.
When the Sally is logging
It all goes smoothly
When it’s me on the keyboard it complains most rudely
You’ve got it wrong all left handed
Ya canna launch this aircraft now
Least not until you’ve got it landed
And then you explain to man in charge
That you don’t find it easy
but beware
he’ll not tolerate incompetence and he’s not a timorous beasty
To be fair he’s mellowed over the years!
Once in the air though away from distractions
Just let your fantastic training guide your
And behind the Fox as you climb like a rocket
Remember how Tom smiles as you fill
his treasurers pocket.
I’ve said enough I’ll be away the noo
But never forget…
That the beady eye of the CFI
Will always see you… Jimmy!"