The forecast of a cloudy sky and the closure of Long Lane appeared to deter many members, however with just enough people to get the airfield set up James Flory (morning D.I) gave the ‘hopeful few’ the go ahead to do so. Dan Hender then kindly came to the rescue agreeing to drive the winch and flying with two K21’s, got underway just after 11 a.m.
Cloudy skies but high enough (Karen King)
With the RASP accurate all launches were to full height with everyone who wished to fly enjoying at least one flight and with those training getting a full three launches. The highlight for Luke was to be given the opportunity, after spending some time in the air with Ian Mitchell (D.I), to do his 4th solo.
Luke Stabb enjoying his 4th solo (Karen King)
The club also welcomed Val Kiely from Dartmoor Gliding Society who has been a member there for a couple of years, and Val had a couple flights with Peter Smith.
As the day progressed several more members turned up, most simply to help with operations, and a big thank you from those who did fly for their support. Thomas Green (parent to new junior) was also very active getting promptly signed off glider retrieve.
Due to all those who wished to fly having done so and the canopies misting the last flight was around 4.30 p.m with the glider hangar doors closing promptly at 5 p.m. - Karen King
What is the collective noun for Instructors? (Simon Leeson)
And in the Clubhouse, we held a classroom session for prospective instructors from North Hill and our friends at Brentor.
Lots of subjects were covered by the coaches, JB, Mark, Simon L and Chris Wool, including, assessing the needs of the pupil, managing expectations, threat and error management (TEM) and life under SFCL which comes into force on the 30th September this year.
Mike Sloggett very kindly joined in to further his experience towards being a Basic Instructor Coach.
It was a very relaxed affair with coffee breaks and a delicious Sunday roast provided by Vicky.
I hope everyone felt it was worth holding the event. - Mark Courtney