Sunday 1st April

Bright blue sky and cold north-easterly wind welcomed the early birds and popping cumulus got everybody excited with a 300 km task set. This fell back to 200 km then 100 km then survival mode. - but nobody told Simon M and Stuart P who headed off to Sherborne (whilst there were still some clouds around) and return in DG505. - RESPECT from all the remaining North Hill soaring group who bumbled around on the Blackdowns in the blue. There were a few visitors overhead, but they didn't think much of our blue conditions either.
In the afternoon, it did pep-up locally with everybody soaring until late, with the last landing after 1800.
It was good to see Paul S visiting looking very fit, being driven up to the Club by his son.

Andrew continued to put the joists up in the shower room. There will be more work carried out on Tuesday evening with electrical services being started - HF